Henry V

Casting Henry V

This activity can be used as a follow-on from the activity - ‘War Hero or War Criminal?'’ It can also be used as a springboard for a class discussion of Henry V and his status as a hero or villain. In this task, students think about how the physical portrayal of a character on stage or screen will influence the audience’s interpretation of them. They will also consider how Henry V has been portrayed and interpreted over the last century and make a decision about whether or not they agree with this portrayal.

An audience’s perception of Henry V will be influenced by how the character is portrayed on stage or screen. The actor who is cast in the role, his physical attributes, posture, bearing, voice, etc., will all contribute to an overall impression of Henry.

  1. Do some research on past productions (stage and/or film) of Henry V and pay close attention to the actor cast in the lead role. Are there any common elements between them? What are their attributes? How are they dressed, and how do they hold themselves? How do they use their voice in their performance? Overall, what is your impression of the character based on the performance of the actor? Write a short summary of your findings.
  2. Think about your own interpretation of Henry V. Do you think he is a hero or a war criminal? Is he charismatic, or sinister, or a mix of both? Write a paragraph summarising your thoughts on the character.
  3. Imagine that you are directing your own production of Henry V – whether for film, TV or stage. How would you cast and costume the actor playing Henry, to communicate your interpretation of him to your audience? Write a brief description of your ideal Henry. Try not to base your description on an existing actor, but instead think about the qualities that you would like your performer to have. What should they look like? How should they behave? How would you use costume, design, etc., to emphasise their qualities?

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