John Bell Scholarship

Tips for auditionees

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Know the story

Begin by familiarising yourself with the play. Read a detailed synopsis, or, better yet, read or watch the play – having a good understanding of the story is essential to understanding your character.

Understand the context

What has happened to your character in the play so far? What is happening at this moment in the play? What has led your character to speak these words at this moment? Make sure you have answers to these questions.

Get to know your character

Find out as much information about your character as you can. What do other characters say about them? What motivates them to do what they do? What do they want? How are they feeling in this moment? What do they want in this moment? What is their end goal? What obstacles are in their way to achieving this goal? How might they overcome these obstacles?

Connect with your character

Think about the theme of the monologue or the problem your character is facing and imagine yourself in a similar situation. Take this feeling or dilemma and let it drive your performance. Show us a little bit of you in your character.

Use your own voice

Shakespeare was from England, however that doesn’t mean we have to perform his words in an English accent! We want to hear your voice in your audition so try not to put on any kind of accent. Yes, articulation and pronunciation are important, but don’t let them get in the way of your natural voice. When you perform the piece in your own voice, you will naturally strengthen your personal connection to the character.

Wear your own clothes

Don’t worry about costume. The most important thing when it comes to clothing is that you wear something you feel comfortable in. We will be workshopping your piece and we want you to be able to move freely and comfortably.

Make it your own

Find an interesting and creative way to bring to life this moment in your character’s story. Make your performance unique to you. We are not looking for the most polished or ‘correct’ performance (there is no such thing!). We want to see your interpretation so let your personality shine through!

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